During our first trip after my dear and I got married, we traveled to Solo and Yogyakarta for a short holiday trip.
We went to many great places and as usual, we were hunting for delicious food that was authentically originated from Solo and Yogyakarta.
As we ate a lot, I worried you would be bored if I keep posting about Solo and Yogyakarta continuously, so I will be posting these posts once or twice every week.
The first stop in Solo was Serabi Notosuman Ny. Lidia.
Fyi, serabi is a famous culinary snack in Solo that is made from rice flour and coconut milk. This serabi has a thin crispy crust and chewy in the middle.
From what I know there are many serabi brand in Solo, but based on the local, they said Serabi Notosuman Ny. Lidia is the most delicious one.
So here we are specially came to the Serabi Notosuman Ny. Lidia in Solo to buy 10 pieces of Serabi Campur (5 pieces of Chocolate filling and 5 pieces of White – no filling).
These serabi are wrapped using banana leaves on every pieces, so it will not make your hand dirty when you eat it.
After one bite, we were really surprised and amazed with these serabi taste. It was really delicious and melting in my mouth.
No wonder why Serabi Notosuman Ny. Lidia could survive until now and currently in the third generation and still stay strong because they take care of the serabi quality and traditional taste.
These serabi are not using any preservatives ingredients, so these serabi must be eaten at most 24 hours after purchasing.
We really recommend you to try these serabi if you are going to Solo.
Name: Serabi Notosuman Ny. Lidia
Address: Jl. Moh. Yamin No.28, Jayengan, Kec. Serengan, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57152, Indonesia
Opening Hours: Daily 05:30AM – 04:00PM